


The name given to the resource.






Guidelines #

Every work in the LDR must have one value in the Title property.

  • If the work has a formal Title, transcribe it as it appears in the original - including capitalization and punctuation.

  • If no formal or official Title exist, devise a brief descriptive title. Enclose this supplied or devised title in square brackets []

    • A good descriptive title uniquely and specifically describes the resource
    • To come up with a descriptive title for a resource, consider identifying people in an image by first and last name, names/owners/addresses of buildings or locations, and the type or perspective of the resource
    • Examples of devised descriptive titles:
      • [Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House]
      • [Panoramic View of the Imperial Palace, Kyoto]
      • [McKelvy House: Gardens]

For items in the Newspaper collection use the following formula: #

  • The Lafayette, Month Day, Year

    • Example: The Lafayette, November 15, 2019
  • Use the Alternative Title property for other forms of the title (e.g. for versions of the title in languages other than English).

  • Language-tagged Field

    • Use the box to the right of the property in the Work dashboard to enter the language of the Title value
    • Select the language from the generated list. The language value will be stored as an ISO 639-1 (two letter) code.