Guidelines #
Use this property to enter the names of entities that contributed to the creation of the work, but are not the primary creator.
Enter information for all known Contributors, with multiple names separated by a pipe character | and no spaces.
When possible, consult an authority file to locate the controlled form of the name
- for example, the Library of Congress Name Authority File
the Getty Research Institute Union List of Artist Names
- for example, the Library of Congress Name Authority File
When entering a personal name:
- use the name format Last, First Middle
- include multiple parts (e.g. von, de la) as part of the last name
- include all parts of a hyphenated name as the last name
Some roles intrinsically suggest that an entity was a Contributor rather than a Creator of a work. Examples include:
- translators
- annotators
- illustrators
- recording engineers
In many cases, whether an entity should be entered in the Creator or Contributor property depends on the item or work being described.
- for example, a photographer would be the Creator of a photograph or slide
- but, a photographer would be a Contributor for a postcard or yearbook
For oral history interviews of any type (audio, transcript, or video), the Contributor is the person conducting the interview. The interviewee is the Creator. The purpose of the oral history is to document the interviewee’s story and experiences. The interviewer’s secondary role, as a Contributor, is to facilitate the telling of those experiences in the oral history interview.
DO NOT enter the name of a digitization technician, Excel Scholar, or student worker/assistant in this property.