Bibliographic Citation

Bibliographic Citation


A bibliographic reference for the resource. Information about a serial or about a resource from which the current Work (e.g. a book chapter) is derived.





Guidelines #

Take the Citation directly from the source if possible. For example, many Citations for academic journal articles are supplied by the publisher on a title page, in a page header or footer, or in accompanying or supplemental information.

  • Enter the Citation exactly as it appears in the source.

  • If no Citation is supplied by the publisher, use the following format:

    • Author LastName, Author FirstName. Publication Date, “Title.” Publication Title, Volume: Issue, Page Range.
  • For values expressed by numbers (for example pages, volume, issue), include only digits and not text.

    • Correct: 10: 4, 135-140
    • Not correct: Vol. 10: Issue 4, pages 135-140